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Hey there! In 2014 Pastor Derek presented an area of need or suffering in the world every week and challenged the group to live obediently to Jesus and effect positive change in that specific area. This page is a listing of all the areas presented in 2014 as well as links to more information and organziations that are addressing the specific areas. Browse through the links and get involved somehow in the fight to bring the healing of the gospel to this world! 

Unreached Peoples 

There are around 2.91 Billion people in this world who have no access to the good news of Jesus Christ. The Church is made up of the "called out ones" and God has called us to bring the gospel to ends of the earth (Matthew 28:18-20). For more information on unreached peoples and how you can get involved visit the following site:

Abortion in America

Around 56 million babies have been legally aborted in the United States since 1973. The Church again is called by God to bring healing to the suffering in this world. May we bring healing to the women who have gone through such a terrible ordeal and may we be a force for change so that babies may be saved from this legal injustice. For more information, click on the links below:

World Hunger

2 Billion people live on less than $2 per day. There is so much that the Church can be doing to bring healing to the starving world. It's such an overwhelming problem to think about, but if we would all just get involved there is so much that God would do. The following organizations are highly recommended in the fight against hunger and poverty in the world: 




Human Trafficking 


One of the most contradicted-by-reality ideas of the modern world is that humans are "basically good." The idea still thrives despite the fact that evil as incredible as the human trafficking and slavery industry exists. Humans are still powerless to change their own hearts; so evil thrives if the Church does nothing. But thankfully Jesus has empowered the Church so that the gates of Hell will not stand against it (Matthew 16:18). For information on the human trafficking industry as well as how you can get involved in ending it visit the following site:



You CAN change the world!

The Persecuted Church


In many places all around the world, followers of Jesus are mistreated, imprisoned, beaten, shunned, and even killed because they follow Jesus. These are the Church. We live in a land where freedom is still the norm, but in all of history and throughout the world present day, freedom is the exception not the rule. We must stand with our brothers and sisters who love Christ and who do not hold their lives so dearly that they shrink from suffering. God seems to move most where His people suffer most. For stories of the persecuted, more information, and ways you can get involved visit the following sites:




Orphans Worldwide


Around the world there are around 153 million single ophans and as many as 25 million double orphans with untold numbers on the street unable to be counted. Since 2004 international adoption has decreased by 59%. If there is anything clear in the Scriptures it is that God cares deeply about the plight of the orphan. And so comes the call for the Church to act to defend, to advocate, and to rescue the fatherless. The Christian Alliance for Orphans website has information about the plight of orphans around the world and lists numerous organizations that are involved in this cause. Visit their website here:



Homelessness Worldwide


Over 100 million people live without adequate shelter in this world. Millions of them orhans. In the United States there are hundreds of thousands of people living on the streets. Regardless of the reasons for the need these people have we the Church are called to reach out and bring healing and relief. In Matthew 25 Jesus teaches that his followers care for strangers in need. May we be doing so from the heart that He gives us. For information on homelessness in America visit the first link below. For more local information and to serve in Michigan check out the the three organizations' links that follow the first. 



Clean Water


780 million people around the world lack access to clean water. This causes incredible problems beyond thirst such as hygiene and sanitation problems bringing disease and death. 3.4 million people die each year from this preventable problem including 3000 children per day. Furthermore, every day over 200 million work hours are spent just gathering water to survive. Check out the sites below for how you can get involved with bringing clean water to places all over the world as well as the living water for the dried and thirsty souls:



Child Sponsorship


There are millions of children around the world who live in extreme physical poverty caused by the spiritual poverty of this world and of our own souls. There are several Christian humanitarian organizations that are commited to combating physical and spiritual poverty in these children's lives and we can be a part of that, not just in the money it takes to sponsor a child, but also by investing our selves relationally in these children's lives. Check out the links below for highly recommended Christian organizations through which you can sponsor children:




There are around 45 million forcibly displaced peoples in the world today. Persecution, wars, corruption induced hunger, and other evil forces people to flee their homes and seek refuge elsewhere. There are many who have flown to the U.S. and other developed countries, but many more still who are stuck in refugee camps. Be involved with bringing hope, a fresh start, and the gospel of Jesus Christ to these people. The following organizations are active in ministering to these displaced peoples:




Around 245 million women in the world today have been left as widows. Of these, 115 million live in extreme poverty due to their plight as widows. In many cultures, a widowed woman is view with disdain and much prejudice, compounding the situation. Widows are often discriminated against and abused, and their children face atrocities such as human trafficking, forced labor, violence, child soldiering, and abuse. There are around 500 million children of widows in the world. Organizations such as Gospel for Asia, World Help, and World Vision are involved with reaching out to the widows around the continent. Visit their links above or the Hope Givers International link below:


Family Breakdown


Family as designed by the Creator is falling apart in the culture that we live. No longer is the character of God the standard by which the family is defined. As the foundation of any society, the breakdown of the family is causing the breakdown of our society, slowly and steadily. Please pray for our culture and the preservation of the beautiful design of the family with which God displayed Himself. Commit to upholding that design in your life. For further involvement with fighting for family visit the Focus on the Family.


Postmodern Relativism


The belief that there is no one truth knowable by everyone, but instead everyone's beliefs are equally valid and true has permeated our culture. There are many problems with this worldview, but it is dominating much of the younger generations philosphy. What can you do to change the world in relation to relativism? Know the truth, communicate the imortance of absolute truth with humilty and grace, and live the love of Jesus. To strengthen your apologetic abilities visit the following site:


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